Faith Strength Training?
Dec 21, 2021
What is faith? And how is it a business tool? It is trust in your heart’s desires.
‘If you have faith, as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain “Move from here to there” and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you.’ Matthew 17:20
In December 2019, the day the picture in this post was taken, I was with my sister for a weekend in NYC after attending a business mastermind.
3 days later I was in the hospital with a ruptured appendix. Merry Christmas to me! I was being led to make some big changes.
My life looks very different today than it did on the day I landed in the hospital.
I’m in awe. I could not have envisioned the changes. You know the adage “This or something better”? I’m in ‘something better’.
Faith is like a muscle. It gets stronger with practice. It takes discipline.
How can you have more faith?
Let your heart speak to you, and trust what it says. Ask for guidance. Hold steady.
Our brains override our faith with their ego + fear driven patterns. Teenagers don’t come home earlier when you worry. The new lover doesn’t call sooner if you fret. Clients very definitely do NOT commit if you are paying stressful attention to whether they have committed.
Faith is a coaching tool for me, in that I have faith in mySELF when I am with a client. I diligently prepare my energy for a call so that I can be a vessel for what wants to come through to support the lovely soul, or group of souls. I have FAITH that I am on this earth to do this work and therefore will be granted support in that effort, because that is how the Universe expands.
How can you have more faith in yourself, or your business?
🥰Take exquisite care of yourself to insure that you are connected to your innate worthiness.
😍Mirror work—look in the mirror and remind yourself that you are love itself.
⭐️Connect to your goals daily. Be in love with your goals.
🔥Get high level support to strengthen your energy and help you expand your vision.
We rise together. 💫