Joy with success did not come naturally to me

Jan 25, 2025

The other night I sprinted into the grocery store 20 minutes before closing to grab my favorite gluten-free granola. The store, World Foods, is the only one in my neighborhood that sells GF granola for less than the bonkers price of $17/bag. It’s a charming little place with unexpected treasures—tiny Russian sparkling water bottles, sponge cakes from who-knows-where, and of course more cheeses than a sane person needs.

At checkout, the cashier was beaming. I joked that he must be excited to clock out, but he surprised me. He said, “Yeah, but really, I just love the feeling at the end of a day when I’ve gotten everything done.” I felt that way too–I felt happy and accomplished and at peace in that moment. It had been a long busy day and I was really looking forward to eating a bowl of granola. I love simple end of day pleasures. Treats. Getting into a cozy bed at night. 

Happy and accomplished. How can we bottle that up? 

Building that kind of joy into my business and life has been a process. It didn’t come naturally. I was raised to be dutiful, and that programming? It is woven through me like the fudge ripple in ice cream. But I’ve learned. 

I don’t have to settle for things being “hard.” In fact, getting beyond hard and into joy has been a game changer. 

Learning to be joyful started small—like practicing spontaneity with a bestie who insisted I needed to lighten up. She wasn’t wrong. At first, it sent my nervous system into a full revolt, but over time, it shifted everything.

What feels hard is often where the magic happens.

I am crying this week over the surprise 10th business anniversary party assembled by the family of one of my clients. She is celebrating big this year–she’s created a lot of freedom, peace and impact through her financial success. She has some wiring similar to mine–dutiful and joy-resistant. It was fun to work through it, as I watched her unfold into more safety and pleasure as she released the performative layers and ironically was able to experience more financial success too. 

So let me ask you: what’s the edge you’ve been staring at?

Most people stay stuck. They let fear or uncertainty hold them back, or they don’t even know where to start. I’ve been there. It’s safer to keep doing what feels comfortable. But the truth is, the work of stepping up—into your joy, your next level, your potential—is where transformation happens.

That’s why I coach. I love helping clients solve the unsolvable problems that take them peacefully into a happy accomplished mindset, safe to receive money and serve joyfully. 

A new client making a decision to sign on said to me yesterday, I let my intuition guide me and again and again it was a full body yes

I know coaching is a big and intimate investment. When you are supported in that decision by love that sees and understands the delicacy of it, and the promise that lies beyond it–it gets REALLY good. 

If something about this brings up discomfort —whether that’s letting yourself be supported, deciding you and your business are worth the investment or spending time in a container that is only for YOU—consider leaning in. Happiness, accomplishments and good money are waiting for you once you move through the hard.

Here’s to making the hard things your new normal!

If you are ready to explore 1:1 coaching for yourself and your business, I invite you to learn more about Resourced, my program that combines business and mindset coaching with operations and systems setup equipping you to create a thriving and sustainable business.

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