Your Desires are a Holy Treasure Map
Mar 13, 2022
Desire is holy. Your desires are a holy treasure map. If you want it, you are meant to have it.
Denying my desires is archaic self punishment, and means I am being led by my fears, or someone else’s.
Inherent in every desire, says Deepak Chopra, is the mechanics of its fulfillment.
I left my husband because I desired to be a happy mother. I knew I had given everything I could, and was complete in that experience.
I desired more.
I left the city where I was living last year because I desired to be living an expanded life. It was not working for me to not date, not have sex, not have busy streets to walk down, easy access to travel, and too many restaurants to choose from. I desired more.
Struggle, for me, often comes down to not letting myself have, say, ask for, or be what I want. Every beautiful step out of these restrictions expands my heart, relationships, business, happiness, and abundance. And does the same for all around me. Desire is holy.
If you radiate your desires, that energy warms the room and the people in it. It’s essential to trust that feeling. Smushing the desire or shrinking to fit the environment is akin to putting a kink in a garden hose. If you want it, it wants you.
“I’m saying, ask the Universe”~Jim Carrey.
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